


1.皇家戏剧学院Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts(RADA)

,简称RADA,即Royal Academy of Dramatic Art。这是一所位于英国伦敦的顶级戏剧学院,它被普遍认为是世界上最著名、最古老的、最有声望的戏剧学院之一。其校友包括世界著名演员,如Alan Rickman艾伦·里克曼、Tom Hiddleston汤姆·希德勒斯顿,Ralph Fiennes拉尔夫·费因斯和Vivian Leigh费雯·丽等。


BA (Hons) in Acting

BA (Hons) in Technical Theatre and Stage Management (progression year)


MA Theatre Lab

Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) in Theatre Costume

2.皇家中央演讲和戏剧学院Royal Central School of Speech and Drama(RCSSD)



Acting, BA

Acting (CDT), BA

Acting (Musical Theatre), BA

Drama, Applied Theatre and Education, BA Contemporary Performance Practice

Performance Arts, BA Contemporary Performance Practice

Writing for Performance, BA Contemporary Performance Practice

Costume Construction, BA Theatre Practice

Design for the Stage, BA Theatre Practice

Production Lighting, BA Theatre Practice

Prop Making, BA Theatre Practice

Puppetry: Design and Performance, BA Theatre Practic

Scenic Art, BA Theatre Practice

Scenic Construction, BA Theatre Practice

Stage Management, BA Theatre Practice

Technical and Production Management, BA Theatre Practice

Theatre Lighting Design, BA Theatre Practice

Theatre Sound, BA Theatre Practice

Video and Projection Design at Central


Acting – Classical, MA

Acting – Contemporary, MA

Acting for Screen, MA

Actor Training and Coaching, MA/MFA

Advanced Theatre Practice, MA/MFA

Applied Theatre, MA

Applied Theatre With Young People, PG Certificate

Creative Producing, MA/MFA

Directing at Central

Drama and Movement Therapy, MA

Movement: Directing and Teaching, MA/MFA

Music Theatre, MA

Performance Practice as Research, MA/MFA

Scenography, MA/MFA

Theatre Criticism and Dramaturgy, MA

Voice Studies: Teaching and Coaching, MA/MFA

Writing for Stage and Broadcast Media, MA/MFA

2.东15戏剧表演学校East 15 Acting school

东15戏剧表演学校是英国热门专业戏剧院校之一,隶属于英国埃塞克斯大学(University of Essex)。东15表演学校是在1961年由作家Margaret Walker创办,坐落于伦敦的东15区,随后成为英国导演Joan Littlewood戏剧工作室而逐渐发展成为一所戏剧表演学校。在过去的50多年里为国际舞台、电视、电影和电台界培养了大量演员、导演、剧场运营者和技术人员。2023年9月,East 15荣登英国媒体泰晤士报The Times及星期日泰晤士报Sunday Times的2023英国优秀大学戏剧课程指南(Good University Guide 2023 for drama)的首位。


BA Acting

BA Acting (International)

BA Acting and Contemporary Theatre

BA Acting and Community Theatre

BA Acting and Stage Combat

BA Physical Theatre

BA World Performance

BA Stage Production and Management

BA Creative Producing (Theatre and Short Film)

Certificate of Higher Education in Theatre Arts


MA Acting

MA/MFA Acting (International)

MA/MFA Theatre Directing

4.伦敦市政厅音乐戏剧学院Guidhall school of Music and Drama

成立于1880年,是一所享誉全球的知名音乐学院,从60多个国家招收精英学生,为艺术家和专业人士提供良好环境。该校在英国《卫报》2023年音乐指南中荣获英国顶尖音乐学院,并被选为世界十大表演艺术院校之一(QS 2023年世界大学排名),是推动创新、实验和研究的创新与专业实践的全球领导者。


BA (Hons) Acting

BA Acting Studies

BA (Hons) Production Arts

BA (Hons) Video Design for Live Performance


MA Acting

MA Collaborative Theatre Production & Design

5.伦敦音乐与戏剧学院London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art(LAMDA)



BA (Hons) Professional Acting

BA (Hons) Production & Technical Arts Top-Up


MFA Professional Acting

MA Classical Acting For The Professional Theatre

MA Directing

